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[1] Bussiere, M., Fratzscher M. Towards a new early warning system of financial crises. Journal of International Money and Finance, 2006, 25(6): 953-973.
[2] Edison, H. Do indicators of financial crises work? An evaluation of an early warning system. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 2003, 8(1): 11-53.
[3] Lestano, J., Kuper G. Indicators of financial crises do work! An early-warning system for six Asian countries. crisis, 2001, 1970: 12.
[4] Zhuang, J., Dowling J. Causes of the 1997 Asian financial crisis: what can an early warning system model tell us?: Asian Development Bank, 2002.

⑵ 急需與「上市公司內部控制環境問題研究」這課題有關的外國文獻2篇!

Internal control
Corporate governance, internal audit and strategic renewal
In the early 1990s, as the result of a series of eventful organisational malpractices in Europe in both the private and public sector, ranging from financial disasters to operational catastrophes, there was mounting criticism of the quality and scope of financial reporting and the effectiveness of independent accounting. This article discusses the background to corporate governance in the UK. It then covers the development of corporate governance in the Central Bank of Iceland and explains how international currents have affected the Bank.
The main elements of internal control are listed and discussed, followed by how internal control and internal audit can be used to stimulate and promote changes and strategic renewal.
The conclusion is that internal control is a very important element of corporate governance. Internal audit adds value to the organisation by assessing the control systems and reporting that assessment to the board and management, which in turn use it as a measure of the 「health」 of the organisational system.
The audit function thus becomes the enabler of change by providing knowledge about the true state of the organisation and the rate of the change taking place through an assessment of internal control systems.
Auditing Practices Board, The Audit Agenda, 1994,
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Bank for International Settlements, Central Bank Governance,
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Bank for International Settlements, Enhancing Performance and
Improving Efficiency, Basel, 1996.
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Enhancing Corporate
Governance for Banking Organisation, September 1999.
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Framework for Internal
Control Systems in Banking Organisations, September 1998.
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Framework for the
Evaluation of Internal Control Systems, January 1998.
Cadbury Report, Report of the Committee on the Financial Aspects
of Corporate Governance, December 1992,
Catsambas, T., Safeguards Assessments and Central Bank
Legislation, 2002, www.imf.org
Chami, R., and C. Fullenkamp, 「Trust as a Means of Improving
Corporate Governance and Efficiency」, IMF Working Paper,WP/02/33.
CMA Canada, Accounting Standards and Corporate Governance,
November 2002.
CoCo, 「Guidance for Directors – Governance Processes for
Control」, The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, 1995.
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Chartered Accountants, 1995.
COSO, 「Internal Control – Integrated Framework」, Committee of
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Fry, M., L. Mahadeva and G. Sterne, 「Key Issues in the Choice of
Monetary Framework」, Centre for Central Bank Studies, 2000.
Gibbs, J., and P. Keating, 「Reengineering Controls」, Internal
Auditor, pp. 46-49, October 1995.
Greenbury Report on Directors』 Remuneration, July 1995,
Hampel Report, The Report of the Committee on Corporate
Governance (1998),
Higgs Report (Derek Higgs), Review of the role and effectiveness
of non-executive directors, January 2003,
Johnson, G. and K. Scholes, Exploring Corporate strategy, text
and cases, 4th edition, Prentice Hall, 1997, p. 10.
Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton, The Strategy-Focused Organization,
Harvard Business School Press, Boston, 2001.
Kurtzig, J., 「Coping with the accounting standards and central
bank transparency」, Central Banking Journal, Vol. XII, No. 2, pp.
76-81, November 2001.
List of Current Corporate Governance Codes,
Markides, C., and H. Singh, 「Corporate Restructuring: ASymptom
of Poor Governance or a Solution to Past Managerial Mistakes」,
European Management Journal, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 213-219, June
McNamee, D., 1995, 「Towards a General Theory of Internal
Audit」, Internal Auditing, April, pp. 17-20.
Mendzela, J., 「Leadership and management of central banks」,
Central Banking Journal, pp. 59-66, Vol. XIII.2.
Muralidharan, R., and R.D. Hamilton III, 「Aligning Multinational
Control Systems」, Long Range Planning, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 352-
361, 1999.
OECD, Principles of Corporate Governance, 1999,
Research Committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
Scotland, Auditing into the Twenty-first Century, The Institute of
Chartered Accountants of Scotland, 1993.
Ridley, J., and A. Chambers, Leading Edge Internal Auditing,
Prentice Hall Europe, 1998.
Rutteman Report, Internal Control and Financial Reporting:
Guidance for Directors of Listed Companies registered in the UK.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales,1994
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, http://www.sarbanes-oxley.com
Simons, R., 「Control in the Age of Empowerment」, Harvard
Business Review, pp. 80-88, March-April 1995.
Simons, R., Levers of Control, Harvard Business School Press,
Boston 1994.
Smith Report, Audit Committees: Combined Code Guidance.
Submitted to the Financial Reporting Council in December 2002
and published in January 2003, http://frc.org.uk/publications
Special Report, What the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Means for Banks,
Fall 2002, www.sheshunoff.com
Steinthórsdóttir, L., The Central Bank of Iceland: Towards a
Framework for Internal Audit, University of Edinburgh, dissertation,
Edinburgh, 1998.
The Institute of Internal Auditors – UK and Ireland, A New Agenda
for Corporate Governance Reform, July 2002.
The Institute of Internal Auditors – UK and Ireland, Internal
Control Guidance for Directors on the Combined Code,
September 1999.
The Institute of Internal Auditors, Recommendations for Improving
Corporate Governance, http://www.theiia.org
The Institute of Internal Auditors, Three Routes to Improve
Corporate Governance, http://www.theiia.org
Tongren, J.D., 「CoActive control」, Internal Auditor, pp. 42-44,
June 1995.
Turnbull Report, Internal Control Guidance for Directors on the
Combined Code, September 1999,

⑶ 審計論文的參考文獻有哪些


[1] 思麗妮. 關於加強企業經濟效益審計的思考[J]. 凱里學院學報, 2007,(04).
[2] 黃輝. 論企業經濟效益審計的重點和方法[J]. 銅業工程, 2007,(02).
[3] 張宗亮. 企業經濟效益審計初探[J]. (工會論壇)山東省工會管理幹部學院學報, 2007,(03).
[4] 唐振達,梁素萍,易金翠,何勁軍. 現代企業經濟效益審計的應用研究[J]. 廣西財經學院學報, 2007,(03).
[5] 劉春慧. 企業經濟效益審計的內容要點及指標體系[J]. 山西財稅, 2007,(01).
[6] 孫論,陳暉. 探索企業經濟效益審計之淺見[J]. 懷化學院學報, 2007,(06).
[7] 黃淑玲. 淺談企業經濟效益審計[J]. 湖南科技學院學報, 2006,(08).
[8] 付淑君. 企業經濟效益審計的目標和模式探討[J]. 現代商業, 2007,(16).
[9] 王雪燕. 企業經濟效益審計芻議[J]. 商業經濟, 2006,(02).

⑷ 急求兩篇關於「上市公司內部控制研究」的外文文獻!!!





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