❶ 中國創業板英文簡稱縮寫
( Growth Enterprises Market Board)
❷ 請問你有創業板市場英文文獻嗎,最好帶翻譯和出處,跪求了
❸ 求關於創業板市場的英文文獻,給個鏈接或者文章都行
Competition in the Market for NASDAQ Securities
MA Goldstein, AV Shkilko, BF Van Ness - Journal of Financial 2008
How common are common return factors across the NYSE and Nasdaq?
A Goyal, C Pérignon- Journal of Financial Economics, 2008
The Behavior of Risk and Market Prices of Risk Over the Nasdaq Bubble Period
G Bakshi - Management Science, 2010
❹ 你好,請問你有關於創業板的英文文獻及翻譯嗎我現在急用,如果有的話可不可以發給我呢
Gem market development in China is to give the small and medium-sized enterprises provide more convenient for venture capital financing channels, create a normal exit mechanism. Meanwhile, this is our country to adjust the instrial structure, promote economic reform the important means. For investors, gem market risk than the mainboard market much higher. Of course, return may also be much larger.
Governments on the second stricter regulation. Its core is "information disclosure". In addition, regulators also through "guarantor" system to help investors to select high-quality enterprise.
The second and the mainboard market investment objects and risk to bear ability is not the same, normally, both won't influence each other. And because of their inherent relation, ? Gem market development in China is to give the small and medium-sized enterprises provide more convenient for venture capital financing channels, create a normal exit mechanism. Meanwhile, this is our country to adjust the instrial structure, promote economic reform the important means. For investors, gem market risk than the mainboard market much higher. Of course, return may also be much larger.
Governments on the second stricter regulation. Its core is "information disclosure". In addition, regulators also through "guarantor" system to help investors to select high-quality enterprise.
The second and the mainboard market investment objects and risk to bear ability is not the same, normally, both won't influence each other. And because of their inherent relation, ? Gem market development in China is to give the small and medium-sized enterprises provide more convenient for venture capital financing channels, create a normal exit mechanism. Meanwhile, this is our country to adjust the instrial structure, promote economic reform the important means. For investors, gem market risk than the mainboard market much higher. Of course, return may also be much larger.
Governments on the second stricter regulation. Its core is "information disclosure". In addition, regulators also through "guarantor" system to help investors to select high-quality enterprise.
The second and the mainboard market investment objects and risk to bear ability is not the same, normally, both won't influence each other. And because of their inherent relation, ? Gem market development in China is to give the small and medium-sized enterprises provide more convenient for venture capital financing channels, create a normal exit mechanism. Meanwhile, this is our country to adjust the instrial structure, promote economic reform the important means. For investors, gem market risk than the mainboard market much higher. Of course, return may also be much larger.
Governments on the second stricter regulation. Its core is "information disclosure". In addition, regulators also through "guarantor" system to help investors to select high-quality enterprise.
The second and the mainboard market investment objects and risk to bear ability is not the same, normally, both won't influence each other. And because of their inherent relation, ? Gem market development in China is to give the small and medium-sized enterprises provide more convenient for venture capital financing channels, create a normal exit mechanism. Meanwhile, this is our country to adjust the instrial structure, promote economic reform the important means. For investors, gem market risk than the mainboard market much higher. Of course, return may also be much larger.
Governments on the second stricter regulation. Its core is "information disclosure". In addition, regulators also through "guarantor" system to help investors to select high-quality enterprise.
The second and the mainboard market investment objects and risk to bear ability is not the same, normally, both won't influence each other. And because of their inherent relation, ?
❺ 中小板 創業板 新三板 用英文分別如何表述
1、新三板: New OTC Market,全稱:new over-the-counter market。
2、創業板 :gem, 全稱:growth enterprise market。
又稱二板市場(Second-board Market)即第二股票交易市場,是與主板市場(Main-Board Market)不同的一類證券市場,專為暫時無法在主板上市的創業型企業、中小企業和高科技產業企業等需要進行融資和發展的企業提供融資途徑和成長空間的證券交易市場,是對主板市場的重要補充,在資本市場有著重要的位置。在中國的創業板的市場代碼是300開頭的。
3、中小板:SME board, 全稱:Small and Medium Enterprise Board。
(1) 依法設立且存續(存在並持續)滿兩年。有限責任公司按原賬面凈資產值折股整體變更為股份有限公司的,存續時間可以從有限責任公司成立之日起計算;
❻ 求創業板的英文文獻。急。急。急
❼ 創業板的英文
創業板,即國際上通稱的"第二板市場"(Second Board),與主板市場(Main Board)相對應。
在香港,創業板市場為Growth Enterprise Market (GEM).
在中國,為中國創業板 China Growth Enterprise Market / Growth Enterprise Board.
❽ 急求關於創業板市場的英文文獻,給個鏈接或者文章都行,謝謝
❾ 「創業板」是什麼「納斯達克」又是什麼
❿ 創業板市場的英文怎麼說
Growth Enterprise Market